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The Main Four Methods Of Modified Car Lights

Released on Oct. 17, 2018

Car headlight modification should mainly focus on improving safety, and the second is beautiful. Modified Car Lights mainly has the following methods:

First, replace the imported bulb

Imported bulbs can have better brightness at the same power, even more than half. Of course, this is a matter of worries. When the annual inspection is conducted, it may bring unnecessary trouble.

Second, the replacement lens lighting system

This is a very popular type of lens illumination called "Angel Eye" which is currently a popular modification. The essence is to imitate the original lighting system of a luxury car, without changing the lights, add a circle of LED lights.

Third, increase the original car bulb power

This modification method is the simplest and most direct, but the hidden dangers are increased. Because the power of the bulb increases, it will aggravate the aging of the luminaire, and bring a greater burden to the engine, battery, etc., and in severe cases may cause the car to spontaneously ignite.

Fourth, install the lights brightener

If you increase the lighting ability of the car under the premise of controlling the expenses, the merchant is likely to recommend the installation of the lamp brightener.

We can also provide Car Headlamp Lens Mould, contact us to learn more about modifying the lights.

Modified Car Lights

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