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How To Maintain The Auto Lamp?

Released on May. 29, 2018

According to the different lighting principles, headlight bulbs can be divided into vacuum lamps, halogen lamps, and xenon lamps. Vacuum lamps and halogen lamps are inexpensive and commonly used, but they have a short life span, typically a few hundred hours. Xenon lamp life can reach 2500 ~ 3000 hours, and the lighting effect is better, but the price is higher.

The headlight bulbs also need to be replaced on a regular basis, as are oil filters that need to be replaced during regular maintenance. In general, every 50,000 kilometers or about 2 years, the brightness of the headlight bulb will be weakened. At this time, it is best to go to the 4S shop for inspection. If there is indeed a lack of brightness, it is recommended to replace the lamp, recommend both sides of the same time Replace it so as not to have the same brightness on both sides.

There is also a case where the brightness of the light is weakened. Due to the influence of the environment, the lamp shade is aged, and the headlight brightness is also reduced to more than 50%. Dirty and aging lampshades will also make the lights fuzzy, causing people to have dizziness. Therefore, the lampshades must be replaced in time.

We are a company that focued on Modifying Auto Lamp. We can supply the service of Modified Nissan Lamp and other brands of auto lamp, if you need, welcome to contact us.

Modified Nissan Lamp

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