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Small Knowledge Of Headlight Maintenance

Released on Nov. 16, 2018

Car lights also need regular maintenance. Today, the manufacturer of Modified Benz C-Class Taillamp will tell you how to maintain the car lights. According to the principle of light emission, headlight bulbs can be divided into vacuum light, halogen light and xenon light. Vacuum and halogen lamps are inexpensive and generally used, but have a short life span, typically hundreds of hours. The service life of xenon lamps can reach 2,500 to 3,000 hours, and the lighting effect is better, but the price is higher.

Lamp maintenance and regular maintenance require the replacement of the oil filter, and the headlight bulbs need to be replaced regularly. Generally speaking, every 50,000 kilometers or 2 years, the brightness of the headlight bulb will be weakened. At this time, it is best to go to the 4S shop for a test. If there is a lack of brightness, then it is recommended to replace the bulb. Replace it to avoid different brightness on both sides.

There is also a situation in which the brightness of the light is weakened. The aging of the lampshade due to the influence of the environment also reduces the brightness of the headlights to more than 50%. Dirty and aging of the lampshade will also obscure the lighting and cause dizziness. Therefore, the lampshade will be replaced in time.

We can also provide you with various lamp modification services according to your requirements, such as: Modified Cadillac ATS-L Headlamp, Modified Mazda 3 Taillamp, etc. If you want to know other car lights, you can contact we.

Modified Benz C-Class Taillamp

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